Sunday 25 March 2012

Pink Champagne & Strawberry Cake!

Got this recipe off Raspberri Cupcakes, which is to date my favourite blog!
My mum had requested that I bake a cake for her bestfriend as it is her 50th birthday. At the excitement of having "permission" to bake something, a million ideas went through my head...and I lastly decided to give Raspberri Cupcakes a geez. This cake sounded perfect for my mums bestfriend as anytime the two of them get together there is always alcohol involved...and why not put it in a cake!!
 Marinating the strawberries with Pink the night before, mmm
 Placing the strawberries on the cakes, I had sooo many strawberries left over so I made Strawberry Chocolate cupcakes and drizzled them with Lindt Chocolate, Yum!

 The room smelt like strawberries and champagne was soo good
 The Swiss Meringue Buttercream is probably the best buttercream ever. It is so light and easy to eat...I reckon I ate a good cups worth when mixing it up!
 The champagne mixed into the buttercream
 Decorating the cake

 Threw on some of the extra marinated strawberries for decoration and Im sure the women will love them cause they taste of champagne

The recipe was super easy and fun to make!
My cake does not look as impressive as the one on  But Im getting there!!!

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